Friday, December 18, 2009

Dangerous Foods for Dogs

'Tis the season for lots of eating and lots of keep in mind as you are enjoying your holiday sweets and feasts that you really should be extra careful when it comes to sharing foods with your pup. We say just stick to giving them special doggie treats and food... but if you must share be aware that the following foods can be very harmful to your furry friend!

The ASPCA's List of 13 Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet

Alcoholic beverages: Can cause intoxication, coma and death.
Avocado: Its high fat content can lead to Pancreatitis.
Chocolate (all forms): Contains caffeine, theobromine or theophylline which can be toxic to the heart and nervous system.
Coffee (all forms): Contains caffeine which can be toxic to the heart and nervous system.
Fatty foods: Can cause Pancreatitis.
Macadamia nuts: Contains toxins which can affect the muscles, digestive system, and nervous system.
Moldy or spoiled foods: Could contain multiple toxins
Onions, onion powder: Contains sulfoxides and disulfides which can damage red blood cells, resulting in anemia.
Raisins and grapes: Contains toxins which can damage kidneys, cause kidney failure and lead to death.
Salt: Can cause electrolyte imbalance if eaten in suffient quantities.
Yeast dough (Unbaked): Can expand in digestive system and cause bloat, leading to death.
Garlic: Similar to onions (above) except garlic is considered to be less toxic and safe for dogs when used in moderation. Often used to flavor food or treats but should be used sparingly.
Products sweetened with xylitol: This common artifical sweetener can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar resulting depression, loss of coordination, and seizures.

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